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Couldn't open b InstDX50.txt* directx directx\Dxsetup.exe3 InstDX50.txt Gamedata% Mininstall) directx directx\Dxsetup.exe3 SOFTWARE\% LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC% Mysteries of the Sith% Install Path2 JKM_PCG.EXER LucasArts Entertainment Company LLCa Mysteries of the Sitha DEMOa JKM_PCG.EXEE LucasArts' Mysteries of the Sith DemoA SOFTWARE\a# LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC% Mysteries of the Sith% SOFTWARE\a LucasArts Entertainment Company% JediKnight% JKM_PCG.EXEQ ExecutableA Install PathA Source PathA CD PathA SysCheck.exeQ Analyze PathA Source DirA InstallTypeA InstallTypeA InstallTypeA bLowResA Resource% Res1hi.gobQ Sound FileA bLowResA Resource% Res1low.gobQ Sound FileA Gamedata% Mininstall%| Gamedata% Mininstall%| SCRN_02.bmp website.exea website.exe/ sith.exea sith.exe JKM_PCG.EXEa JKM_PCG.EXE Sith.doca Sith.doc Sith.txta Sith.txt README.TXTa README.TXT% Gamedata% Controls Controls Gamedata% Website.exea Website.exe Zone.exea Zone.exe Launcher.taba License.txta License.txt% Gamedata% Episode Episode *.gooa *.gooA Gamedata% Resource Resource SCRN_06.bmpd *.gooa *.gooA JK_.CDa JK_.CDA SCRN_07.bmp SndRec32.exe imaadp32.acm 3DDeviceGUID! b3DAccel! bHighResGraphicsInstall! bNoPageFlip! bSysBackbuffer! displayDeviceGUID! displayMode! gammaLevel! minTextureDimension! musicVolume! numChannels! sfxVolume! viewSize! Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ExplorerR NoDriveTypeAutoRun26 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoDriveTypeAutoRunB6 NoDriveTypeAutoRunA Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer( NoDriveTypeAutoRunB6 /INST001/Visit /INST002/LEC Multiplayer Home Page /INST003/Register On-line /INST004/Mysteries of the Sith Demo Readme /INST005/Uninstall Mysteries of the Sith Demo /INST006/Mysteries of the Sith Demo Setup Question: /INST007/Mysteries of the Sith Demo Main Menu /INST008/Please select an option. /INST009/Install Mysteries of the Sith Demo /INST010/Which size installation would you like? /INST011/Choose an installation size. Larger installs may improve game performance, but take up more room on the hard drive. /INST012/Minimum Installation /INST013/Standard Installation /INST014/Complete Installation /INST015/The installation sizes listed here already INCLUDE whichever sound resolution you have elected to install on the previous page. /INST016/View ReadMe /INST017/There is not enough space available on the disk /INST018/Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk. /INST019/Setup will now create shortcuts for the items checked below. If you do not wish a shortcut to be made for a particular item, please uncheck its check box. /INST020/Unable to create key: /INST021/ directory. /INST022/Copying files... /INST025/Creating Program Folder and Icons.... /INST026/Installation complete. /INST027/Do you want to view the README file now? /INST028/Setup will install %P in the following directory. /INST029/To install to this directory, click Next. /INST030/To install to a different directory, click Browse and select another directory. /INST031/You can choose not to install %P by clicking Cancel to exit Setup. /INST036/Are you SURE you wish to ABORT the Mysteries of the Sith Demo installation? Click No to continue the installation or Yes to exit. /INST037/ /INST038/Setup Type: /INST039/Start Menu Folder: /INST040/Target Directory: /INST041/(Not selected; /INST042/Sounds: Hi-res /INST043/Sounds: Lo-res /INST044/Graphics: Hi-res /INST045/Graphics: Lo-res /INST046/Choose Sound Resolution: /INST047/Install Hi-res Sounds /INST048/Install Lo-res Sounds /INST049/You may now choose to install either hi-res or lo-res sounds. /INST050/You should ONLY install high resolution sounds if you have an Aureal 3D sound card AND at least 32 MB of RAM in your machine. Otherwise, installing high-res sounds will probably affect the game's performance. /INST051/This program requires VGA or better resolution. /INST052/Setup /INST053/Setup has detected previously installed components of Mysteries of the Sith Demo on your computer. Do you want to reinstall Mysteries of the Sith Demo? /INST054/Setup is complete. You may run Mysteries of the Sith Demo by running JKM_PCG.EXE in the /INST055/Setup Complete /INST056/You may also run Mysteries of the Sith Demo by clicking the Mysteries of the Sith Demo icon in the Start menu. /INST057/Setup is complete. You may run Mysteries of the Sith Demo by running JKM_PCG.EXE where you installed the game. /INST058/Setup will copy the Mysteries of the Sith Demo files to the /INST059/Sorry, could not detect Jedi Knight on your system. Please make sure Jedi Knight is installed on your machine before trying to install Mysteries of the Sith Demo. /INST060/If you like, you may now view the Mysteries of the Sith Demo README. If you do not wish to view the Mysteries of the Sith Demo README, uncheck the check box. /INST061/Setup will now install DirectX on your computer. Please see the readme file for a list of hardware known to conflict with DirectX. /INST063/NOTE: If you know your machine is not DirectX compatible, please uncheck the box and follow the instructions. /INST064/. /INST065/ If, after running DirectX Setup, you have problems restarting, call Microsoft or your hardware vendor. /INST066/Setup has determined that your machine's DirectX (tm) drivers are current, and that you do not need to reinstall DirectX. /INST067/ You may, however, reinstall DirectX if you wish (you must check the box). /INST068/Congratulations! DirectX is now properly installed on your system. /INST069/DirectX installation complete /INST070/%P Setup has successfully installed DirectX on your system. You must restart your computer for the desired changes to take effect. /INST071/DirectX MAY ask you for the Win95 installation CD. /INST072/You have chosen not to install DirectX. Please refer to the troubleshooting guide for more information. /INST073/Install DirectX 5.0 now. /INST075/A file's size could not be verified or was incorrect. /INST076/A file's date and time could not be verified or were incorrect. /INST078/You must reboot to reinstall DirectX. /INST079/The setup program could not find the working directory. /INST080/A required .inf file could not be found. /INST081/An internal error occurred. /INST082/A file's version could not be verified or was incorrect. /INST084/The version of Windows NT on the system does not contain the current version of DirectX. An older version of DirectX may be present, or DirectX may be absent altogether. /INST085/The setup program ran out of disk space during installation. /INST086/One of the required source files could not be found. /INST087/The operating system on your system is not currently supported. /INST088/The Cancel button was pressed before the application was fully installed. /INST089/An error occurred while installing DirectX on your system. Please consult the Troubleshooting Guide for more information. /INST090/Mysteries of the Sith Demo /INST091/LucasArts\Mysteries of the Sith Demo /INST092/Program Files\LucasArts\MotSDemo /INST093/Program Files\LucasArts\MotSDemo /INST094/LucasArts' Mysteries of the Sith Demo /INST095/Click Next to begin copying files to the folder listed below. edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! 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